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De Wiki Campus Cyber
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Liste de résultats
- Campus Normandie Cyber + (The Territorial Campus Cyber of Normandie: serving the digital security of organisations and territory, the development of the regional sector and the national network of cybersecurity campuses.)
- Synthèse Formation Cycle 2 + (The Training WG aims to propose actions to make training offers visible and thus supply the sector with new recruits at the right skill level.)
- Training Cycle 2 : synthesis + (The Training WG aims to propose actions to make training offers visible and thus supply the sector with new recruits at the right skill level.)
- Ressources Mutualisées + (The aim is to identify services that can be pooled and to propose a governance framework.)
- Mutualized resources + (The aim is to identify services that can be pooled and to propose a governance framework.)
- Artificial Intelligence Security Manager + (The cybersecurity advisor for data scientists is an integral part of their working environment. He or she is their main point of contact for ensuring that cybersecurity is taken into account in the AI projects they develop.)
- Référent sécurité en Intelligence Artificielle + (The cybersecurity advisor for data scientists is an integral part of their working environment. He or she is their main point of contact for ensuring that cybersecurity is taken into account in the AI projects they develop.)
- Campus Cyber Hauts de France - Lille Métropole + (The focal point for the cybersecurity sector in Hauts-de-France.)
- Skills matrix for related professions + (The matrix is a summary reference framework which identifies the skills and their level for access to a profession.)
- Matrice des compétences - métiers connexes + (The matrix is a summary reference framework which identifies the skills and their level for access to a profession.)
- Skills matrix for technical professions + (The matrix is a synthetic frame of reference that identifies skills and their levels for access to a profession.)
- Matrice des compétences des métiers techniques + (The matrix is a synthetic frame of reference that identifies skills and their levels for access to a profession.)
- GT Formation : Matrice des compétences métiers techniques cyber + (The matrix is a synthetic frame of reference for identifying skills and their levels for access to a profession.)
- WG Training: Skills matrix for technical professions + (The matrix is a synthetic frame of reference for identifying skills and their levels for access to a profession.)
- GT Formation : Matrice des compétences métiers connexes + (The matrix is a synthetic frame of reference for identifying skills and their levels for access to a profession.)
- WG Training: Skills matrix for related professions + (The matrix is a synthetic frame of reference for identifying skills and their levels for access to a profession.)
- Méthodologie d'évaluation sur noeuds Ethereum dans le cadre de la CSPN + (The objective of this production is to verify if the EN 17640 evaluation methodology can be used for performing an Ethereum Nodes evaluation under the French C.S.P.N certification scheme.)
- Evaluation methodology for Ethereum nodes within the CSPN framework + (The objective of this production is to verify if the EN 17640 evaluation methodology can be used for performing an Ethereum Nodes evaluation under the French C.S.P.N certification scheme.)
- Attribut:Owl:differentFrom + (The property that determines that two given individuals are different.)
- Livre Blanc - Gestion des Vulnérabilités + (This White Paper is a guide to the proper management of vulnerabilities in an IT system, from detection to remediation, right through to the feedback phase.)
- White paper - Vulnerability Management + (This White Paper is a guide to the proper management of vulnerabilities in an IT system, from detection to remediation, right through to the feedback phase.)
- GT Détection en environnement Cloud - Formation des analystes + (Training of analysts operating in Cloud environments)
- GT Detection in Cloud environment - Analyst training + (Training of analysts operating in Cloud environments)
- Attribut:Foaf:homepage + (URL of the homepage of something, which is a general web resource.)
- Fiche méthode : Exercice Systèmes industriels + (Un exercice « Système industriel » porte s … Un exercice « Système industriel » porte sur la compromission de l’environnement OT (Operational Technology). Ainsi, des équipements SCADA, automates, objets connectés, etc. de la chaine de production peuvent être touchés de par leur durée de vie, les normes spécifiques à respecter, la nature nature de leurs protocoles et les restrictions de mise-à-jour.ocoles et les restrictions de mise-à-jour.)
- Facilitateur en Intelligence Artificielle + (Un facilitateur IA est un correspondant cyber disposant de connaissances pratiques en cybersécurité et en Intelligence Artificielle.)
- Artificial Intelligence Facilitator + (Un facilitateur IA est un correspondant cyber disposant de connaissances pratiques en cybersécurité et en Intelligence Artificielle.)
- Fiche méthode : rançongiciel + (Un rançongiciel (EN: ransomware) est un pr … Un rançongiciel (EN: ransomware) est un programme malveillant exfiltrant et/ou chiffrant les données du parc informatique, avec une demande de rançon.</br>Un rançongiciel peut conduire à une indisponibilité d’une partie significative du parc informatique mettant en jeu la survie de l’organisation.ettant en jeu la survie de l’organisation.)
- Fiche méthode : Exercice DDoS + (Une attaque de Déni de Service Distribué (DDoS) consiste en une surcharge d’une application (site web, API, etc.) par une multitude de requêtes, conduisant à un éventuel arrêt de fonctionnement de l’application.)
- Fiche méthode : attaque par chaîne d'approvisionnement + (Une attaque sur la chaine d’approvisionnem … Une attaque sur la chaine d’approvisionnement (EN: Supply chain attack) est une attaque qui vise un </br>fournisseur de service ou partenaire. Les attaquants visent par exemple à arrêter certains systèmes critiques ou à s’installer dans les systèmes à des fins d’espionnage, comme ce fût le cas dans l’attaque de SolarWinds.e fût le cas dans l’attaque de SolarWinds.)
- Insider - Cryptobox + (Using the Cryptobox solution)
- Insider - Cryptobox + (Utilisation de la solution Cryptobox)
- GT Sécurisation du Cloud - Sécurité de la donnée + (WG dedicated to securing and encrypting data in the cloud: encryption at rest, in transit, in use, key and certificate management, BYOK,HYOK & co, Confidential Computing)
- WG Cloud Security - Data Security + (WG dedicated to securing and encrypting data in the cloud: encryption at rest, in transit, in use, key and certificate management, BYOK,HYOK & co, Confidential Computing)
- GT Sécurisation du Cloud - Gouvernance des configurations dans le Cloud public + (Working group dedicated to configuration governance in the public cloud)
- Configuration governance in the public cloud + (Working group dedicated to configuration governance in the public cloud)