Communities of interest

From Wiki Campus Cyber
This page is a translated version of the page Communauté d'intérêt and the translation is 100% complete.

The Studio des Communs sets up communities of interest for those who wish to follow or participate in a theme, but don't have the time to join a working group.

The Working Groups provide visibility on the progress of their work to the communities on a quarterly basis, via dedicated events and discussion forums.

If you are interested, please contact us at:

Welcome booklet

Find out how communities of interest work in our welcome booklet.

Download the welcome booklet

How to stay informed of news and productions?

Below you'll find all current and completed communities of interest, and all associated workgroups. Common products are available in the Wiki's deliverables section.

Every month, the Studio des Communs publishes on the wiki, available to the community:

Find in this table the different Communities of interest

TitleDescriptionPorté parModification DateStatus
Agile Security - Community of InterestAccelerate or enable Security implementation in agile contexts.27 November 2023
CI : Cyber crises & trainingDoctrine, methods and tools for managing cyber crises.10 January 2025En cours
CI : Drone and robots cybersecurityDeveloping the safety of drones and robots and their specific features11 January 2024En cours
CI AI and CybersecurityAnalyze the areas of cybersecurity where Artificial Intelligence can make a difference10 January 2025En cours
CI Crypto-assetsDevelop a cybersecurity perspective on crypto-assets and identify the potential uses of crypto-assets for cybersecurity17 April 2024En cours
CI Monitoring and Detection in mass connected MobilityShare and forecast best practices for the integration of the increasingly connected mobility system31 October 2024En cours
CI Monitoring and Detection in mass connected MobilityShare and forecast best practices for the integration of the increasingly connected mobility system31 October 2024En cours
CI TrainingPropose actions to make training opportunities more visible and supply the industry with new recruits at the right skill level.31 October 2024En cours
Cloud securityDefine the risks inherent in the cloud in all areas (risk of information leakage, intrusion, compliance, etc.).17 April 2024En cours
CoI : Post-quantum CryptographyRaise awareness of the challenges of Post Quantum Cryptography and steer cryptographic implementations towards greater agility.10 January 2025En cours
CoI Cyber4TomorrowHighlighting the capabilities of the ecosystem, taking on board the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals and developing appropriate responses for a responsible and ethical digital economy.17 April 2024En cours
Community of Interest - AwarenessIdentify and implement innovative ways of raising awareness about cyber security10 July 2024Terminé
Community of interest : CTIStructuring and implementing a cyber commons for data sharing in connection with Cyber Threat Intelligence17 April 2024En cours