Artificial Intelligence Facilitator

From Wiki Campus Cyber
This page is a translated version of the page Facilitateur en Intelligence Artificielle and the translation is 100% complete.

An AI facilitator is a cyber correspondent with practical knowledge of cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence.

Category: Common Status: Idea 1 : Idea - 2 : Prototype - 3 : Validation - 4 : ProductionTags: Formation, Vocation

== What is the role of the AI facilitator? The role of the AI facilitator is to bring together cybersecurity teams and data scientists:

  • Leading the cross-functional cyber and data science community (AI for and through cyber);
  • Identify ML opportunities and benefits for cyber teams in their activities (cyber and non-cyber);
  • Raise awareness of cyber issues among data scientists, and even facilitate access to or generation of cyber data;
  • Promote the implementation of IA Security champions on the operational side and provide them with intelligence.

== His day-to-day activities Working directly with the CISO, you will be responsible for facilitating exchanges, interaction and collaboration with the community of data scientists. His or her cross-disciplinary knowledge of cybersecurity and interpersonal skills will enable him or her to :

  • Using a community of data scientists and cybersecurity teams to promote exchanges and news on cyber needs in the field
  • Make an inventory of the skills required and the cyber security expectations of the data scientist community in order to make them operational (training, tools, contacts, etc.)
  • Make cyber security teams aware of the specific issues/capabilities related to AI (attacks on companies' AI or possible uses of AI on the cyber side);
  • Facilitate the creation and implementation of cyber security measures to protect AI systems. Then promote their implementation.
  • Contribute to the implementation of "cyber" business metrics for evaluating the performance of ML models;
  • Relaying intelligence on incidents and public research papers - finding and promoting associated training - on attack techniques exploiting AI to AI sec champions and the community.

Expected skills

Organisational skills

  • Control of the organisation ;
  • Mastery of the company's processes;
  • Ability to analyse cyber issues, quantify their impact and draw up a project budget;
  • Ability to communicate with the cyber business at multiple levels (Operations / Management / Strategy / Budget / CISO).

Data science skills

  • Understanding the data used for cyber security
  • Data manipulation and transformation
  • Practical ML knowledge (ML development and integration)

Cybersecurity skills

  • Be a cybersecurity professional
  • Have skills in the field of data security
  • Secure data pipelines

Working Group

IA et cybersécurité