WG Training: Skills matrix for related professions

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Cette page est une version traduite de la page GT Formation : Matrice des compétences métiers connexes et la traduction est terminée à 100 %.

La matrice est un référentiel synthétique qui permet d'identifier les compétences et leur niveau pour l'accès à un métier

Catégorie : Groupe de travail

Statut : Terminé

Date de début : janvier 2022 Date de fin : septembre 2023

According to ANSSI studies, there is a real shortage of cybersecurity skills and resources, for both suppliers and users. As of 2019, there will be over 15,000 vacancies in France. The industry anticipates the creation of 35,000 positions by 2030.

Despite the boom in this field and the career opportunities on offer, we have to admit that it is not attracting the resources we're looking for: training courses are struggling to recruit talent. This lack of attractiveness is partly due to the stereotypes associated with cybersecurity professions: demanding jobs, specialized IT skills, etc.

On the strength of these reflections, the Cyber Campus "Training" working group, co-led by Clusif and Cap Gemini, published the Référentiel des Compétences des métiers techniques de la Cybersécurité in early 2023, based in particular on the ANSSI's Panorama des métiers de la cybersécurité (link to the matrix available on the Studio des Communs wiki).

Following this first publication, the working group, comprising some twenty experts in training and cybersecurity and supported by ANSSI, decided to continue the work by creating a second, complementary matrix, this time focusing on related cybersecurity professions and associated skills.

By approaching professions through skills, the Référentiel des compétences connexes highlights the diversity of profiles required by the cybersecurity sector. The profiles presented here, just as essential to the industry as the more technical professions, adapt their core skills to the specificities of the cyber field (cyber lawyer, risk manager, cybersecurity communications officer...).

As with the skills matrix for technical professions, this reference framework is aimed at a wide audience, as a tool to help with career guidance, integration of young graduates and retraining, but can also be useful for human resources, companies, training organizations or individuals.

For any further information, do not hesitate to contact the Studio des Communs.

The Cyber Campus Studio des Communs Training Working Group

Website: Campus Cyber - Building a trusted digital society together

Contact : communautes@campuscyber.fr

Download the skills matrix for cyber-related professions in excel format here: https://campuscyber.fr/resources/referentiel-des-competences-des-metiers-connexes-de-la-cyber/

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CI Formation (Proposer des actions pour rendre visibles les offres de formation et alimenter la filière en nouvelles recrues au bon niveau de compétence)


Matrice des compétences - métiers connexesLa matrice est un référentiel synthétique qui permet d'identifier les compétences et leur niveau pour l'accès à un métier