CI Training

De Wiki Campus Cyber
Révision datée du 5 décembre 2023 à 17:21 par Juliette (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « * The schedule for the event on March 22 from 9:30 to 11 a.m., with a presentation of the skills matrix and the poster campaign. * Elements for the landing page as part of the poster campaign, aimed at target audiences (students, educational staff, parents). »)
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Proposer des actions pour rendre visibles les offres de formation et alimenter la filière en nouvelles recrues au bon niveau de compétence

Catégorie : Communauté d'intérêt


The WG represents a wide range of French cybersecurity players: academics, institutions, manufacturers, consultancies and associations.

This WG is examining the following topics:

  • Promoting and facilitating access to the cyber professions
  • Encouraging vocations and feminization

Valuing and facilitating access to cyber professions

For the "Promoting and facilitating access to cyber professions" project, the working group has produced an analysis document listing a series of actions to address the following issues:

  • Develop awareness of cybersecurity
  • facilitate access to training
  • Accelerate retraining

The entire production is summarized in the Cycle 2 summary document.

Based on this summary, the WG worked on drafting the specifications for a portal dedicated to cyber training. All the specifications are available in the analysis document.

To finalize Cycle 2, the WG worked on a skills matrix based on the panorama of professions produced by ANSSI. The WG wanted to develop a tool for the ecosystem that could become a common basis for exchanging information on the skills and levels required to enter a technical profession in Cybersecurity.

To finalize Cycle 3, the WG worked on a skills matrix for related cybersecurity professions. This skills matrix completes the first one, and provides an overview of non-technical professions. The skills matrix for related professions should be available in early 2023.

These two matrices are intended for training organizations to help them develop their training programs, and for human resources to complete their skills grids and recruitment processes. These two matrices are tools to increase continuity between initial training, continuing education and career management in or towards the cybersecurity field.

The WG also worked on the production of poster campaigns to raise awareness of cyber professions, aimed at two target groups:

  • secondary schools, with a view to inspiring vocations and promoting cyber professions
  • higher education, with inspiring portraits of cyber professionals.

Spark vocations and feminize

For the "Encouraging vocations and feminization" project, the group chose to explore two proposals from the synthesis.

Mini series: The working group drafted and produced two script synopses aimed at the target audience of 12-19 year-olds and their teachers.

Training WG logbook

Le 01/06/2023, le GT Formation has proposed dates in mid-November for an event in partnership with the Association nationale des DRH, and is proposing a schedule to explain the different needs in cyber skills, the specificities of cyber training and with testimonials and feedback from cyber professionals. On May 25, 2023, the Training WG worked on the valorization of the matrix on a national and European scale, in particular on the complementarity of the skills matrix with other work carried out on a European scale. The question of leveraging on a national scale, beyond the cyber ecosystem, was also discussed.

On 20/04/2023, the Training WG decided to set up a new rhythm between now and the summer, with one plenary session a month to take stock of the various projects and partner presentations. Three teams will be specifically dedicated to the following topics: 1. setting up an event for the HR target group, 2. reflection on the promotion and dissemination of the skills matrix, 3. the question of trajectories: how to move from one job to another in the skills matrix.

On 13/04/2023, the Training WG had a presentation from the state-owned start-up Diagoriente, which has integrated the skills matrix for cyber professions into its database. The trades in the matrix, along with their associated skills and weightings, are now accessible via all services using this platform. The related skills matrix will be integrated as soon as it has been validated.

The future rhythm of WG meetings will be on the agenda for the April 20 session.

On 30/03/2023, the Training WG shared feedback from the Talents event held on March 22.

It took the following decisions: to put the matrix of related skills online as soon as it has been validated by ANSSI, as well as the slides presenting the matrix on March 22.

It should be noted that WG members have shared all possible resources for the Tomorrow's Cyber Specialist campaign landing page, and that the campaign posters are still under embargo, pending the official launch.

On 02/03/2023, the Training WG worked on :

  • The schedule for the event on March 22 from 9:30 to 11 a.m., with a presentation of the skills matrix and the poster campaign.
  • Elements for the landing page as part of the poster campaign, aimed at target audiences (students, educational staff, parents).

Il a pris les décisions de :

  • Valider et mettre en ligne la matrice des compétences connexes avant l'événement Formation

Il est à noter que la conférence du 22 mars sera en format hybride (en présentiel au Forum du Campus Cyber et à distance)

​Le 02/02/2023, le GT Formation a travaillé sur :

  • L’ordre du jour des prochains événements autour de la valorisation des livrables du GT Formation : campagne d’affichage et sortie de la matrice des compétences.

Il a pris les décisions de :

  • Mettre en ligne la matrice finalisée sur le wiki
  • Finaliser la matrice en anglais et la validation de la matrice des métiers connexes
  • Elargir les canaux de diffusion pour la campagne

Il est à noter que le Cyber Gourmand du 16 février de 14h à 15h au Foodcourt sera dédié au GT et à la communauté d’intérêt Formation : présentation des matrices des compétences et de la campagne d’affichage.

Le 19/01/2023, le GT Formation a travaillé sur : ​​ ​

  • La valorisation de la matrice des compétences des métiers cyber : organisation de la sortie, communication, diffusion
  • La traduction de la matrice des compétences en anglais
  • Le préambule de la matrice des compétences des métiers connexes​

Il a pris les décisions de : ​​

  • Créer un sous groupe de travail pour finaliser la traduction de la matrice​
  • Préparer la sortie de la matrice ​
  • la révision et créer un préambule pour la matrice des compétences connexes​
  • Etudier les possibilités de valorisation de la matrice des compétences à l'international​

Le 12/01/2023, le GT Formation a travaillé sur : ​

  • Les campagnes d'affichages pour les collèges / lycées et pour l'enseignement supérieur​
  • La valorisation de la matrice des compétences​
  • L'ordre du jour des prochaines sessions​

Il a pris les décisions de :

  • Mettre en place la révision et créer un préambule pour la matrice des compétences connexes​
  • Etudier les possibilités de valorisation de la matrice des compétences à l'international​

Le sujet du rythme des sessions du GT Formation a éclos. Un passage à une réunion tous les 15 jours sera discuté en fonction des actualités d'ici mi février.

Groupes de travail

GT Formation - Rayonnement matrice des compétencesEn coursPromouvoir les travaux menés autour des matrices des compétences des métiers de la cybersécurité.
GT Formation : Matrice des compétences métiers connexesTerminéLa matrice est un référentiel synthétique qui permet d'identifier les compétences et leur niveau pour l'accès à un métier
GT Formation : Matrice des compétences métiers techniques cyberTerminéLa matrice est un référentiel synthétique qui permet d'identifier les compétences et leur niveau pour l'accès à un métier
GT Formation : Mini-série CybersécuritéTerminéProposition de synopsis pour la création d'une mini-série de sensibilisation aux risques cyber
GT Formation : Synthèse Formation Cycle2TerminéProposer des actions pour rendre visibles les offres de formation et ainsi alimenter la filière en nouvelles recrues au bon niveau de compétence.