Sum Up'Studio - April

From Wiki Campus Cyber
This page is a translated version of the page Studio Récap' - Avril and the translation is 100% complete.

News from the Communities of Interest and working groups

CI Cloud Detection

  • WG 1 on risk mapping in the cloud: attribution of feared events to customers and/or suppliers in progress, based on pre-identified resources.
  • Launch of WG 2 on the panorama of detection support solutions in the cloud: scoping, identification of the final deliverable.
  • WG 3 on training analysts in the cloud: prerequisites, theoretical and practical training, issues.... being developed, based on several levels of expertise. Enhancement of the existing skills matrix to come.

CI Cloud Security

The WGs are currently being defined. Next CI plenary session on 2 May.

CI Drones and Robots

WG 2 and 3 on the authentication of swarms and the detection of friend-or-foe drones: sourcing of research articles and existing commercial offers. WG 1 on the state of the art of attacks/defences is being launched. Several resources have been made available in the Resources area of this Wiki.

CI Mobility

The WGs are currently being defined


A choice of segregation mode for information on TIP has been defined. The Validation Committee will soon be formed to be able to intervene on the data entered in the platform. The cooperation agreement is currently being reviewed.

CI Crypto actives

Launch of Challenge Innovation#2 in partnership with Banque de France.


The self-assessment questionnaire is currently being produced. It will first be offered in English, then translated into French. Two coordinators are expected to supervise this work stream.


The March INsider on Vulnerability Management is available for replay. INsider April: From "My Cyber Help" to NIS2: A tool for assessing and certifying security levels.

Téléchargez le "Take Away"

Also available here.


Save the date: Connect returns on Monday 24 June. This event is dedicated to the productions of the Studio des Communs working groups and communities of interest. You can already register via this link.

Studio Projects


Workshops in secondary school classes with the DILCRAH are underway. The committee of OSINT experts will be meeting shortly to bring the scenarios devised by the pupils to life.