Wiki du campus cyber
Actualités du Campus Cyber
Groupes de travail en cours
Cyber4Tomorrow actions catalogue
Cyber4Tomorrow is a broad movement that aims to enable cybersecurity professionals to get involved in the service of a safer, more attractive and more responsible digital world.
Configuration governance in the public cloud
Working group dedicated to configuration governance in the public cloud
WG Agile Cybersecurity: Security Champions & SME
Identify the benefits for organisations of having Security Champions and Subject Matter Experts
AI and cybersecurity
Analyze the areas of cybersecurity where Artificial Intelligence can make a difference
Crypto assets : evaluation target : Smart Contracts
Evaluation target for smart contracts executed by the EVM.
Training WG - Spreading the skills matrix
Promote the work carried out on skills matrices for cybersecurity professions.
Artificial Intelligence Security Manager
The cybersecurity advisor for data scientists is an integral part of their working environment. He or she is their main point of contact for ensuring that cybersecurity is taken into account in the AI projects they develop.
Crypto-assets attack catalog
Record and track the evolution of cyber-attacks on crypto-assets
Skills matrix for technical professions
The matrix is a synthetic frame of reference that identifies skills and their levels for access to a profession.
UC5 : Machine Learning vs DDoS
Development of the educational Use Case ‘Machine Learning vs DDoS Attack’ as part of the AI and Cyber WG
White paper - Vulnerability Management
This White Paper is a guide to the proper management of vulnerabilities in an IT system, from detection to remediation, right through to the feedback phase.
Cyber Horizon 2030
Draw a picture of the near future, identifying the priorities and future challenges facing our sector, and extrapolating the trends observed today.
Communautés d'intérêt
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