Commons Studio

De Wiki Campus Cyber
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The Studio des Communs is an entity part of the Campus Cyber. It is the unit in charge of the cybersecurity commons, from their productions to their diffusion to the entire French cybersecurity ecosystem.

Horizon Cyber 2030: Perspectives et Défi, commun sur l'anticipation des évolutions de la menace, groupe de travail Anticipation, Gérôme BILLOIS (Wavestone), Matthieu COUSIN (AXA)
Horizon Cyber 2030: Perspectives et Défi, commun sur l'anticipation des évolutions de la menace, groupe de travail Anticipation, Gérôme BILLOIS (Wavestone), Matthieu COUSIN (AXA)

Commons Notion

As a reminder, a common refers to a resource produced and/or exploited collectively by a community of heterogenous players and governed by rules ensuring its open, shared and sustainable nature.

The persons concerned by a resources are the one legitimate to determine the access rules.

By warranting fair access and resources preservation, the persons and organizations are able to develop socially and economically.

"Focus on Digital Commons"

Digital commons bear new characteristics: the use of the resource by some does not limit the possibilities of use by others (the resource is non-rival) and it is not necessary to reserve the right of use to a restricted community in order to preserve the resource (the resource is non-exclusive).

Objectives of the Cyber Commons

The Studio des Communs support the Campus Cyber mission:

  • Build active communities around cyber commons
  • Integrate/use the commons in French products
  • Facilitate the construction of multi-partner cyber security suites
  • Reduce the time-to-market of French products
  • Develop security products for SMEs and local authorities
  • Accelerate the entry of French companies into international markets

Role of the Cyber Commons

At the industry level, cyber commons will act as an aggregator of solutions and as well as an help to interoperability between the solutions offered by French players.

Cyber commons will be essential in developing the international notoriety and sales of French companies.

  • Lower development and R&D costs
  • Interoperability of solutions
  • Development of international standards

The involvement of the Cyber Campus members will enable them to participate in the governance of cyber commons in which they have an interest, integrate specifications into their solutions and identify synergies with other players upstream of developments.

Members will be able to contribute by getting involved in the development teams, and enhance the skills of their team simultaneously with the development of a cyber common.

  • Participation in governance
  • Development of synergies between players
  • Skills development

Commons Governance

La gouvernance des communs est encadrée par une charte produite par le GT Ressources Mutualisées qui définit le niveau d’autonomie des équipes de production des communs. Il est acté que la production des communs doit être réalisés par des équipes dédiées. Le niveau d’autonomie définira la présence et le rôle du comité de pilotage.


The Studio des Commons is composed of four permanent staff and an apprentice.

  • Studio manager – Fabien Gainier
  • Senior Head of Project – Juliette Farcy
  • Head of Project – Angèle Guilbert
  • Communities animation : Aline Morestin

The Studio des Communs is monitored by Yann Bonnet, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, who reports to the President of the Campus Cyber, Michel Van Den Berghe.