Sum Up'Studio - May
Overview of the CI and WG's work, as well as the current Studio's projetcs, may 2024
Category: Blogpost Published: mai 2024
News from communities of interest and working groups
CI Cloud Detection
The three working groups associated with the CI are continuing their work:
- WG1 "Cloud Risk Mapping" has identified the assets that could be used as part of an attack to achieve the business values previously identified.
- WG2 "Panorama of detection aid solutions" has defined the scope of work and the objectives of the deliverable. The production phase is about to be launched.
- WG 3 "Cloud analyst training" has formalized the skills required for the different levels of expertise identified above.
CI Cloud Security
Two working groups have been set up for the coming months: the first group, whose kick-off took place on Thursday May 23, will focus on the control tower to be deployed in the cloud environment. The second, dealing with data security, will be officially launched at the beginning of June.
CI Drones and Robots
WG 1 "State of the art attacks/defenses" is waiting to be launched. WG 2 "Authentication in swarms" is in the scoping phase, while WG 3 "Spotting friend-enemy drones" is about to enter the production phase.
CI Mobility
The next meeting of the Community of Interest will take place on May 30: new working group proposals will be presented. Launch of two working groups. One group in collaboration with the Drone working group for the qualification of attack scenarios and the state of the art of defense systems. The second working group will be dedicated to exploring OEM and equipment manufacturer relationships for maintaining safety levels.
User rights management processes are implemented in the Campus Cyber TIP. CTI feeds will be added to the Campus Cyber TIP in the near future. To become a contributor, validator or reader, contact the Studio des Communs
CI Crypto assets
Launch of security audits on blockchain nodes Finalize rules for Innovation Challenge #2
Agile Cybersecurity CI
Agile IC for cybersecurity Deliverables in production, 1st version scheduled for September : Operational deliverables to accelerate or enable the implementation of Security in agile contexts, around 3 axes:
- Governance (SSDLC scheme),
- Security champions and SMEs (role, activities, training),
- Technology (mapping of technologies supporting agile cybersecurity and assessment of their contribution).
The Studio des Communs invites you to the CONNECT#2 event, which will present the year's work. Plenary sessions, workshops and meetings on the morning of Monday 24 June. The event is open to all members, partners and residents of Campus Cyber., sur inscription à cette adresse
Projets du Studio
The Osint Project, the OSINT platform dedicated to secondary school pupils. Check out the 2 new challenges released in May: "Mangaka" and "Une histoire de blocs" :