Sum Up Studio - November

From Wiki Campus Cyber
This page is a translated version of the page Récap'Studio - Novembre and the translation is 95% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

News from communities of interest and workgroups

CI Drone

  • Studio des Communs has acquired two drones (DJI Air 3 and Parrot Anafi). They will be subject to the pentest protocol currently being drawn up by the ‘State of the art of attacks and defences’ working group.

CI Cloud Security and Detection

  • The Detection in the Cloud Community of Interest is finalising its first deliverables. After more than 6 months' work, the documents produced by the Risk Mapping, Detection Support Panorama and Analyst Training WGs will be available in early 2025.
  • The work of the Securing in the Cloud Community of Interest is continuing.

AI and Cybersecurity CI

Release of the 3 educational use cases developed by the Cybersecurity and AI Working Group and availability of the notebooks on the WIKI:

AI Security CI

  • The community of interest met at the beginning of November to share the progress of the 2 working groups: Security by design of AI systems / Analysis of attacks on AI systems.
  • With regard to the Security by design of AI systems WG, the review of all the recommendations in the document ‘Security recommendations for a generative AI system’ has been finalised. Work will focus until early 2025 on analysing feedback from cyber / AI professionals on the recommendations.
  • With regard to the WG on the analysis of attacks on AI systems, fact sheets by type of attack are currently being drafted.

CI Formation

The Training IC met in plenary session at the beginning of November. Two proposed topics for future WGs were put forward:

  • Completing the skills matrix/Details of skills
  • Cyber professions outlook

CI Mobility

  • Presentation of Renault's management and qualification of cyber incidents
  • Initial work to build the incident qualification matrix, incorporating elements of Directive (EU) 2022-2555.

CI Crypto-Actives

  • Launch of preparations for the upcoming DemoDay in January to present the winners of the Mission Smart 1 and 2 challenges.
  • Review of the technical progress of the projects involved in the Mission Smart challenge


The organisational crypto agility assessment matrix is currently being finalised and will soon be available on this wiki.

CI Cyber crisis management

New deliverables will be published at the beginning of 2025. The ‘REMPAR25’ project was presented to the members of the Copil and the CI by the ANSSI. As a reminder, the REMPAR22 exercise kit is already available.


The Osint Project

The Osint Project, the OSINT platform dedicated to secondary school students. Find all the challenges online

Version V2 is currently under development, with a technical overhaul and the addition of new features. New challenges will be available by the end of the year on cyber themes. For more information about TOP:


One month after its launch, the Cyber4Tomorrow initiative is on course: new fact sheets and resources have been developed by and for the collective, and the first actions have been carried out by the professionals involved. The C4T COPIL met at the end of the month to prepare the 2025-2026 roadmap for the initiative. Visit the Cyber 4 Tomorrow website


The final data needed to draw up a carbon footprint for the Cyber Campus has been collected. The CSR teams will have the results in December.

College Banks Insurance

‘’‘The BASF CONNECT event will take place on 8 January.’‘’ All the information and the full programme are available here. You can register now [1]].

As a reminder, the college's deliverables are already available, such as this Chronology of regulations by clicking here.


The next INsider will take place on Thursday 28 November from 11.30am to 12.15pm and will be dedicated to the presentation of the Cyber Booster and the collaboration with the studio des communs and the Lab de la banque de France during the 2nd innovation challenge.

  • All our INsiders are now available in the ‘Resources’ section of the wiki by clicking here.

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