SumUp'Studio - January
Category: Blogpost Published: janvier 2025
News from communities of interest and working groups
The banking, insurance and financial services college presented its deliverables and work at BASF Connect on 8 January. The slides presented are available to download by clicking here.The morning provided an opportunity for a variety of meetings and exchanges between the various members and colleges of the Cyber Campus.
The matrix for assessing a company's crypto-agility is currently being presented to the various French cyber players: ANSSI, ACN, coordination nationale pour la cybsersécurité, etc. Dissemination and use of the deliverable are also being discussed. The matrix will soon be made available to everyone. The methods for disseminating the results are still being studied. A plenary meeting of the PQC community of interest will soon be proposed to initiate new subjects to be launched in working groups.
CI Cyber crisis management and training
The co-committee meets every month to discuss the progress of the work. Some deliverables are undergoing final proofreading, while other documents are still in the production phase.
CI Mobility
A face-to-face kick-off workshop at the Campus Cyber, with a tour of the Campus Cyber and a presentation of the work of the SIA and the studio des communs.
CI Crypto-Actives
- Preparing for DemoDay on 31 January with pitches from the two smart missions and two round tables.
- Completion of the Pentest with DFNS
- Posting of the RetEx of the pentext collaboration available here
CI Drones
- The work of the ‘State of the art of attacks and defences on UAVs’ WG is continuing. The test plan is being drafted and the first drone operations should take place in February.
CI Cloud Security and Detection
- The ‘Detection in the Cloud’ Community of Interest is finalising its first deliverables. After more than 6 months' work, the documents produced by the Risk Mapping, Detection Support Panorama and Analyst Training WGs will soon be available.
- The ‘Governance of configurations in the public cloud’ WG of the ‘Securing the Cloud’ Community of Interest has resumed its work after a month's break. A work plan has been drawn up by the members of the WG, with the aim of producing a deliverable in September. The second WG launched as part of this Community of Interest is in the production phase and aims to produce its deliverable in March.
AI Security CI
- The community of interest met at the beginning of January to share the progress of the 2 working groups: Security by design of AI systems / Analysis of attacks on AI systems.
- With regard to the Security by design of AI systems WG, work is continuing on the review of the recommendations in the ANSSI Guide ‘Security recommendations for a generative AI system’. In January, work focused on the following 2 topics: ‘Protecting AI systems from interactions with users’ and ‘Securing AI systems developed from external code and data’.
CI CyberAgile
The deliverables of the 3 working groups are still being finalised and reviewed for release in early 2025: Governance (SSDLC) / Mapping of technologies supporting agile cybersecurity and assessment of their contributions / Security champions and SME (guide to help security managers, Application Security programme managers or DevSecOps to design an organisation with the main roles that make up an Application Security system in Agile projects).
The Osint Project
The Osint Project, the OSINT platform dedicated to secondary school students. Find all the challenges online TOP is taking part in Press and Media Week at school, organised by CLEMI from 25 to 29 March 2025. New challenges on online citizenship and the fight against misinformation will soon be available. For more information about TOP:
"Wiki en vrai ’project
A printed selection of the Studio des Communs deliverables will soon be available in the lobby of the Campus Cyber and in the Showroom. These copies will be available for on-site consultation.
The Cryptobox secure storage solution is available to working groups and communities of interest. Don't hesitate to contact the Studio des Communs team to open up your workspaces.
- Two new action sheets have been added to the C4T catalogue: ‘Initiating crisis management’ and ‘Passing on useful contacts to the general public and SMEs’. These sheets and the associated resources are proposed by COMCYBER-MI, which joined the C4T collective in December 2024.
- CESIN has joined the C4T movement. At the plenary session on 17 January, the new president, Fabrice Bru, signed the C4T Charter and urged the association's members to join the collective.
- Campus Cyber has been selected as one of the finalists in the World Impact Summit's Grand Prix Impact competition for its methodology for calculating and reducing the carbon emissions associated with cyber, currently being developed with the support of ADEME. The methodology was presented to a panel of experts at BPI headquarters. See you at the end of March for the announcement of the final results!
Visit the Cyber 4 Tomorrow website
- Campus Cyber's CSR Roadmap 2025 was drawn up in January 2025. It will shortly be presented to the teams.
The next INsider will take place on Tuesday 18 February from 11.30am to 12.15pm - Presentation of the generic pentest plan for drone security by the CI Drones et Robots. To register click here
- Find all our INsiders, now available in the ‘Resources’ section of the wiki by clicking here
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