WG Cyber crisis and training: training methodology

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This page is a translated version of the page Crise cyber et entrainement : méthodologie d'entrainement and the translation is 100% complete.

Developing a generic training methodology

Category: Working Group Cycle: 3 Status: Ongoing


This training workstream will focus on the development of a generic training and preparation strategy and the implementation of a massively distributed exercise, as well as the development of an associated feedback methodology (RETEX). The work on developing a generic training and preparation strategy should enable any entity to draw up a coherent training programme in line with the level of maturity of its crisis management system. At the same time, a massively distributed exercise at the end of the year (8/12/22), led by ANSSI in conjunction with the Business Continuity Club (Club de la Continuité d'Activité - CCA) and the Campus Cyber, should enable participating entities to test their crisis management systems. Finally, the development of a methodology specific to the RETEX of an exercise or a crisis of cyber origin will enable the various entities to draw as many lessons as possible from the RETEX and above all to support the drafting and monitoring of the action plan.


  • Training strategy
  • Methodological sheets dedicated to RETEX, types of training and reference scenarios to be tested
  • Framework document for sharing exercise scenarios


Follow the progress of the working group through the logbook maintained in the CI Crise cyber et entraînement community of interest.

Leaded by the community of interest

CI Crise cyber et entraînement (Doctrine, methods and tools for managing cyber crises.)