CI AI and Cybersecurity

From Wiki Campus Cyber
This page is a translated version of the page CI IA et Cybersécurité and the translation is 68% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Analyze the areas of cybersecurity where Artificial Intelligence can make a difference

Category: Communities of Interest

Statut : En cours

Log book WG IA et cybersécurité

On 29/03/2024: launch of the reflection phase on the subjects to be dealt with by the next working groups:

  • Groupe de travail 1 :  « Security by Design pour les systèmes d'IA ». Groupe piloté par HeadMind Partners et la BNP Paribas.

Prochaines réunions : le 12/07 de 11h à 12h et le 19/07 de 11h à 12h

  • Groupe de travail 2 : « Analyse des attaques sur les systèmes d’IA ». Groupe piloté par le Hub France IA.

Prochaines réunions : le 12/07 de 12h à 13h et le 26/07 de 11h à 12h

Le 29/03/2024 : lancement de la phase de réflexion sur les sujets à traiter dans les prochains groupes de travail :

  • State of the art of LLMs for cybersecurity * Securing AI * IA Act

On 24/03/2023, the AI WG organized a plenary session:

  • Presentation of the BSI's AI and Cyber topics in plenary session with the entire community of interest.
  • Work and reflection on new AI and Cyber use cases with WG members

The next plenary session will take place on April 28.

'On 24/02/2023, the IA WG worked in 2 sessions :

  • Presentation of the CYLVIA platform in a plenary session with the entire community of interest.
  • Work and discussions on new AI and Cyber use cases within the framework of the WG.

The next plenary session will take place on March 24.

On 27/01/2023, the IA WG worked on:

  • The new 2023 roadmap and the organization of sessions up to June 2023.

He made the decisions to:

  • Organize a monthly meeting to explore topics of interest in AI & cyber with external speakers, and review work in progress.
  • Set up mini-teams to finalize work in progress: ETSI documents, EBIOS RM applied to AI, and develop new CYLVIA use cases.
  • Open up sessions and work to the AI community of interest.

Please note that the provisional schedule for future sessions is currently being validated.