Sum Up Studio - June

De Wiki Campus Cyber
Révision datée du 5 juillet 2024 à 09:57 par Angèle (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « Campus Cyber and Numeum are pleased to launch the new "Cyber4Tomorrow" ecosystem initiative on Tuesday July 4 at 6pm at Campus Cyber, which brings together and promotes all the actions of cybersecurity professionals in favor of a safer, more responsible and more attractive digital environment. »)
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News from Communities of Interest and working groups

CI Cloud Detection

  • Progress on the "Cloud Risk Mapping" and "Panorama of Cloud Detection Solutions" working groups.
  • Launch of the production phase for the "Cloud analyst training" WG.

CI Cloud Security

  • Launch of the "Governance of public cloud configurations" WG. Framing in progress.
  • Launch of the "Data security" WG. Scoping in progress.

CI Drones and Robots

  • Launch of the "State of the art attacks/defenses on drones and robots" WG on June 24. If you would like to join the working group, please contact the Studio des Communs.
  • Presentation by Singapore-based start-up Reperion to members of the community of interest to answer questions from the "Authentication in swarms" WG.
  • Launch of the production / writing phase of the deliverable for the "Locating friend-or-foe drones" WG.

CI AI and Cyber

A working group has been launched on AI Security, with 2 streams:

  • Security by design of AI systems, coordinated by HeadMind Partners and BNPP
  • Review of attacks on AI, coordinated by the Hub France IA


The WG met to work on the Roles, Groups and Information Marking to be implemented in the TIP. The choices will be implemented over the summer, so that the platform can be up and running by the start of the new school year. The validation committee will meet every three weeks from the start of the school year to ensure that the TIP is running efficiently.

CI Cyber crisis management and training

Three publications to come over the summer, 4 more in September


The working group is continuing its work on the creation of a matrix for assessing an organization's crypto-agility. Publication end 2024.

CI Crypto assets

  • The Banque de France and Campus Cyber have launched Innovation Challenge #2, with the challenge of developing an open-source solution for securing smart contracts in just a few months. Applications are open until August 18. You can take part on your own, in a team or join an existing team.

To take part: registration

CI Agile Cybersecurity

Deliverables in production, the 3 working groups: Governance / Security Champions and Technologies are open to community participation for the review of the first deliverables in September.


Cyber4Tomorrow launch

Campus Cyber and Numeum are pleased to launch the new "Cyber4Tomorrow" ecosystem initiative on Tuesday July 4 at 6pm at Campus Cyber, which brings together and promotes all the actions of cybersecurity professionals in favor of a safer, more responsible and more attractive digital environment.

To take part in the event: registration form


Connect#2, l'événement dédié au Studio des Communs s'est tenu le 24 juin matin, nous étions ravis de présenter à l’écosystème les grandes productions de l’année réalisées par les CI et GT. Encore un grand merci à tous les contributeurs et coordinateurs des différents travaux.

Collège Banque Assurances Services Financiers

A la rentrée, le collège Banques Assurances et Services Financiers proposera un événement type "portes ouvertes" afin de présenter ses travaux, les groupes d'échanges en cours au sein du collège et une partie de leurs livrables. Plus d'informations à venir.

Projets du Studio


  • Réponse à l’évaluation RSE proposée par ECOVADIS
  • Lancement des démarches en vue de la réalisation du bilan carbone du Campus Cyber
  • Structuration de la politique RSE V1 du Campus Cyber
  • L'instance Cryptobox du Campus Cyber est en cours de déploiement


The Osint Project, la plateforme d'OSINT dédiée aux élèves de collèges et lycées.

Retrouvez la plateforme ici : The Osint Project

  • Finalisation des ateliers sur le civisme en ligne avec la DILCRAH pour publication de 6 nouveaux challenges en septembre.
  • Définition de la roadmap et des évolutions pour l’année 2024-2025.


L'instance Cryptobox du Campus Cyber est en cours de déploiement


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