Translations:Guide de gouvernance/80/en

De Wiki Campus Cyber
Révision datée du 3 novembre 2023 à 11:12 par Angèle (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « '''Redistribution approaches under proprietary license''': If a software product uses only software licensed under a permissive software license, another company can redistribute the resulting software produced under a proprietary license and sell it without the source code or software freedoms. For example, Apple Inc. is a fervent user of this approach, exploiting source code and software from open source projects. »)
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Redistribution approaches under proprietary license: If a software product uses only software licensed under a permissive software license, another company can redistribute the resulting software produced under a proprietary license and sell it without the source code or software freedoms. For example, Apple Inc. is a fervent user of this approach, exploiting source code and software from open source projects.