Philosophy of the commons

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Révision datée du 31 juillet 2023 à 09:27 par Angèle (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « The eight fundamentals of sustainable governance of common pool resources : »)
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Definition of a digital common


A common refers to a resource produced and/or exploited collectively by a community of heterogenous players and governed by rules ensuring its collective and shared nature.

Digital commons bear new characteristics: the use of the resource by some does not limit the possibilities of use by others (the resource is non-rival) and it is not necessary to reserve the right of use to a restricted community in order to preserve the resource (the resource is non-exclusive).

As a result, digital commons benefit from being shared, as this directly increases the value of the resource but also extends the community that will preserve it.

Common operating principles Elinor Ostrom aims to "develop theories of human organization based on a realistic assessment of human capabilities and limitations in terms of managing a variety of situations that initially share some or all aspects of a tragedy of the commons".

In Governing the Commons, Ostrom reports on a meta-analysis based on numerous case studies of self-organized common-pool resources. By studying success stories, situations where appropriators have designed, implemented and enforced their own rules of use, and where the resource system and associated institutions have been operating for a long time (100 to 1,000 years depending on the case), Ostrom seeks to identify the success factors of collective self-organization.

For the organization of the commons, eight "design principles", or conditions, should inspire us to guarantee their success. Although necessary, they are not necessarily sufficient to ensure sustainable governance, which is why each commune can adapt its approach to its own activities and objectives.

The eight fundamentals of sustainable governance of common pool resources :

  1. Des limites nettement définies des accès (qui permettent une exclusion des entités externes ou malvenues)
  2. Des règles bien adaptées aux besoins et conditions et conformes aux objectifs des individus rassemblés
  3. Un système permettant aux individus de participer régulièrement à la définition et à la modification des règles
  4. Une gouvernance effective et redevable à la communauté vis-à-vis des appropriateurs
  5. Un système gradué de sanction pour des appropriations de ressources qui violent les règles de la communauté
  6. Un système peu coûteux de résolution des conflits
  7. Une auto détermination reconnue des autorité extérieures
  8. S'il y a lieu, une organisation à plusieurs niveaux qui prend toujours pour base les ressources communes.  

== Références bibliographiques ==

  • « Elinor Ostrom par Edouard Jourdain, le gouvernement des communs » éditions Michalon, le bien commun.
  • « Gouvernance des biens communs », Planète enjeu, de Boeck SUP, Elinor Ostrom
  • « Une troisième voie entre l'Etat et le Marché : Echanges avec Elinor Ostrom» Martine Antona, Editions Quae