Sum Up Studio - September

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Récapitulatif des travaux des CI & GT, ainsi que des projets en cours au Studio des Communs, septembre 2024

Catégorie : Blogpost Date de publication : septembre 2024

News from Communities of Interest and working groups

CI Cloud Detection

The working group will be testing its crypto-agility assessment matrix during the month of October.

If you are interested in the presentation of this tool, please contact the Studio

CI Crisis Management & Training

Working group plenary for members on Friday October 18: presentation of latest deliverables, roadmap 2024 - 2025, presentation of REMPAR25 exercise.

=== CI Drone===
*New contributors have joined the “State of the art of attacks/defenses on drones and robots” WG (ANSSI, Cabinet Louis Reynaud - CLR Labs); an inventory of the main risks incurred by a drone - whatever its typology - is underway. The aim of this inventory is to guide the drafting of the pentest protocol.
  • Participants in the “Authentication in swarms” WG will hear from French startup Dronisos, Europe's leading drone show operator, to understand how a swarm works from an operator's point of view.
  • The deliverable of the “Friend-Enemy Drone Spotting” WG is currently being drafted.

CI Cloud Security

*The “Governance of Public Cloud Configurations” WG intends to produce a White Paper on the continuous supervision of Cloud resource configuration, including mechanisms for operational maintenance of compliance/security. Work will resume after the summer. 
  • The Data Security WG is working on identifying the main risks/threats to data stored in the Cloud, and recommending appropriate protection measures. Work will resume after the summer.
===CI Cloud detection===

The Cloud Risk Mapping and Cloud Detection Solutions WGs are continuing their respective work. The deliverable of the “Cloud analyst training” WG is currently being reviewed and edited.

=== CI AI Security===
*The 2 working groups resumed their sessions in September: “Security by design of AI systems” and “Attacks on AI”.  A plenary session of the IC took place at the beginning of September to share the initial work areas. 
*The “Security by design for AI systems” working group is underway. The first deliverable of this WG will be to appropriate the first version of the ANSSI guide published in April on the security of systems based on generative AI, to identify sources of incomprehension for non-AI experts, difficulties to anticipate for implementation and possible requirements to complete.


Collège Banques Assurances


Open morning for the Banking / Insurance / Financial Services college: presentation of current working groups and deliverables. Workshops, round tables and meetings on the morning of November 8.

==Studio Projects==


The Osint Project, the OSINT platform dedicated to middle and high school students. Find all the challenges online


Après plusieurs mois de travail, la plateforme Cyber4Tomorrow sera officiellement disponible au lancement du Cybermoi/s.

Co-portée par le Campus Cyber et Numeum, Cyber4Tomorrow est une initiative qui permet aux professionnel⸱le⸱s de la cybersécurité de s’investir au service d’un numérique plus sûr, plus attractif et plus durable en menant et/ou en proposant des actions à réaliser. Cyber4Tomorrow vise à :

  • renforcer la confiance des citoyen⸱nne⸱s dans le numérique en partageant au plus grand nombre les bonnes pratiques d'hygiène numérique (Pilier « CyberCitizenship »),
  • développer l’attractivité des métiers cyber en France (Pilier « CyberSpecialists ») et
  • diffuser les pratiques de cybersécurité vertueuses en matière de respect de l’environnement (Pilier « CyberSustainability »).

Pour rejoindre le projet, envoyez un mail à

  • Pour rester informé⸱e des actualités de C4T, enregistrez-vous sur la plateforme en cliquant ici


  • Les politiques « RSE » et « Diversité et Inclusion » du Campus Cyber sont en cours de relecture.
  • Le calcul du bilan carbone du Campus Cyber a débuté. La première étape consiste à collecter les données nécessaires à la réalisation d’un audit précis (scope 1, scope 2, scope 3).


  • Retrouvez le replay de l'INsider du mois de septembre qui présente les fonctionnalités de Cryptobox en cliquant ici
  • Retrouvez tous nos INsiders, maintenant disponibles dans la Rubrique "Ressources" du wiki en cliquant ici