Cyber security : mini-show

From Wiki Campus Cyber
Revision as of 15:43, 14 November 2023 by Angèle (talk | contribs) (Page créée avec « The mini-series contains 5 episodes in which a range of cyber-related professions are presented. Each episode would be accompanied by a description giving details of the roles and professions presented. »)
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Synopsis proposition for the creation of a mini-serie about cyber risks sensibilisation

Category: Common Status: ⧼cc-com-idée⧽ 1 : Idea - 2 : Prototype - 3 : Validation - 4 : ProductionTags: Communication, Diffusion, Web-série, Éducation nationale


The workgroup produced 3 abstract of a show for teenagers (12-18 years)

The mini-series contains 5 episodes in which a range of cyber-related professions are presented. Each episode would be accompanied by a description giving details of the roles and professions presented.