WG Crypto-active : Attack catalogue

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Revision as of 15:48, 5 December 2023 by Téva (talk | contribs) (Page créée avec « * History of known attacks * List of known vulnerabilities * Categorization of different types of attack »)
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Recording and monitoring developments in cyber attacks on crypto-assets

Category: Working Group Cycle: 2 Status: Done Tags: Blockchain, Catalogue, Crypto-actif, Crypto-asset, Vulnerabilité

Start Date: octobre 2021 End Date: juin 2022


With the growing interest in cryptographic assets such as crypto-currencies and NFTs and its disruptive capabilities in several industries, we have created a working group to dedicate our efforts to studying the security of its underlying technologies: distributed ledger technologies.

Among various studies, the group focused on the development of a catalog of attacks focusing on :

  • History of known attacks
  • List of known vulnerabilities
  • Categorization of different types of attack

Leaded by the community of interest

CI Crypto-actifs (Develop a cybersecurity perspective on crypto-assets and identify the potential uses of crypto-assets for cybersecurity)


Crypto-assets attack catalogRecord and track the evolution of cyber-attacks on crypto-assets