Cyber4Tomorrow actions catalogue
Cyber4Tomorrow is a broad movement that aims to enable cybersecurity professionals to get involved in the service of a safer, more attractive and more responsible digital world.
Category: Working Group
Cycle: 4
Status: Ongoing
Tags: C4T, Catalogue, Cyber4Tomorrow, RSE
Coordinators: Aline MORESTIN, Fabien GAINIER
Start Date: octobre 2022
Cyber4Tomorrow (C4T) is an ecosystem initiative co-led by Campus Cyber and Numeum. It aims at enabling cybersecurity professionals to invest in a safer, more attractive and more sustainable digital environment, thanks to a catalogue of concrete, directly usable actions. The actions are designed by and for cyber professionals involved in C4T, and provide access to a wide range of resources to help them act.
Cyber4Tomorrow is based on three fundamental pillars, each representing an essential aspect of our commitment to digital safety.
The pillars are :
- CyberCitizenship, to make digital safe and accessible. CyberCitizenship aims to raise awareness among individuals and organisations about the importance of digital hygiene practices, by providing educational resources and encouraging responsible online behaviour.
- CyberSpecialists, to promote diversity of profiles and skills in cybersecurity. CyberSpecialists aims to make the cybersecurity professions accessible, by encouraging diversity and offering training and professional development opportunities for aspiring security professionals.
- CyberSustainability, to control the environmental impact of cybersecurity. CyberSustainability aims to promote environmentally-friendly and sustainable cybersecurity practices to minimise its ecological footprint, while maintaining a high level of security.
For more information, visit
Launch of the Cyber4Tomorrow initiative: July 2024 Release of the Cyber4Tomorrow platform: September 2024
Sortie de la plateforme Cyber4Tomorrow : Septembre 2024
Leaded by the community of interest
CI Cyber4Tomorrow (Highlighting the capabilities of the ecosystem, taking on board the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals and developing appropriate responses for a responsible and ethical digital economy.)